Wednesday 8 May 2019

What Are Financial Facts About Canada?

Canada is a country which is welcoming international students every year with open arms. This is the reason that the number of international students in Canada is increasing day by day. Here are some important financial facts about Canada which every study abroad seeker should know before planning to shift to Canada for higher studies:

  • Only full-time student are allowed to .work part-time legally in Canada and they must be
enrolled in Canadian DLI institutes.
  • Students can manage their budget easily as every international student get a part-time
work permit with the study permit in Canada.
  • The approximate yearly tuition fee of average government academic institute in
Canada is $ 15000 CAD and also overseas students are permitted to pay a
semester fee before applying for a visa.
  • Canada offers high-class education which is almost the same as all other top destination
in the world for higher education. Any overseas student with a budget of approx. 13 – 15
lacs (for 1st year) can easily think about further study in Canada.
  • Overseas students are legally permitted to do part time job of up to 20 hours per week
during their study course or regular academic sessions and full-time during scheduled
breaks, like winter, summer or spring break.
  • The tuition fee of 1st semester to continue higher studies in Canada is $ 7000 - $ 8000
(Approx. 4.5 lacs). Moreover, GIC fund in the form of the 1st year living & travel expense
(Approx. 6.0 lacs) is also helpful to support your stay in Canada.
  • Range of tuition fees can vary from $ 11000 CAD to $ 45000 CAD in all the academic
Canadian Universities & Colleges, but overseas education consultant suggests college
or university according to the eligibility of student, the financial capability of parents
as well as Indian standard.
  • GIC process is a way to show your support during your stay in Canada. GIC should
be applied as soon as you get an offer letter from Canadian college or universities.
  • In Scotia bank, students have to show GIC fund required in your account of $ 10280
CAD before the next step of visa application.
  • GIC is refundable after your arrival in Canada as (1st installment of amount almost
$2,000 CAD plus any accrued interest is transferred into your personal bank account
of Scotia bank. After that, rest $8,000 CAD are deposited during the fix time period in
one year. GIC interest, as well as the amount, will transfer to personal bank account
automatically in the period of 12 months.
  • Parents can pay tuition fees from their account but GIC fund is transferable only
on student’s account.
  • Don’t forget to mention the student’s name, his or her ID & date of birth while transferring
funds through wire transfer.
  • For part-time jobs, the minimum wage rate for students varies according to the
category and company.
  • You need good communication skills and good personality to get a good job in Canada.
  • Fund management is the best part of the life of an international student in Canada to
make his stay in Canada easy and memorable.

Saturday 4 May 2019

How to Increase Chances to Get Admission in Canadian Universities

Not every academic institute care pretty much about your scores in theory. For those that need progressively, supplemental application materials, for example, essays, recordings, and inquiries studying extracurriculars make the procedure increasingly complicated. Students work a lot to get admission in their desired colleges or universities in Canada in order to make their life more successful and focussed. Yet, how would you make that variety of work to support you? Here are a few hints on studying your energy wisely.

Don’t stop to follow your interests or dreams

You're bound to stay with extracurricular exercises in case you're keen on them, instead of reviewing them as a task. Students are generally asked to seek after their very own interests as by this way they can enhance their skills or capabilities. In order to become successful or achieve a goal, first, you have to set a goal and start planning on it. You may face many hurdles on your way but don’t stop to follow your dreams as practice makes a man perfect. Keep practicing and you will surely reach your destination.

Go beyond your limits

Seeking after interests, in any case, shouldn't mean restricting yourself to exercises you definitely know you're great at. Some portion of the fact of the matter is to study and build up your potential. Colleges constantly prefer to see the sort of student who's very balanced or focussed for his future. International universities consider that introduction to a wide range of exercises and friends from different countries make you progressively powerful and encourages you emerge. So don’t bound yourself in any kind of limits, set your goal and start working on it.

Be a pioneer

It's simple enough to agree to accept pre-arranged exercises set up by your friends, family, and associations. In any case, what numerous colleges are searching for is your capacity to make your very own chances—to be proactive. So be different from the other students as universities prefer to get admission to the student who clears his motive to come in their country.

Concentrate on the journey

For some schools, what you do is less significant than your methodology—and what you gain from it. Truth be told, this is one way the playing field is leveled between the individuals who have sufficient energy and budgetary help to volunteer abroad or seek after different interests and the individuals who have family or monetary obligations that occupy a lot of their time.

On the other hand, understudies whose everyday life incorporates dealing with part-time work at the shopping center may emerge in the event that they can clarify what those encounters have shown them the world and about themselves. Students who can verbalize that in a powerful, convincing and connecting path will, in general, have the most grounded individual profiles. So focussing on various factors before considering your study abroad can help in making your study abroad journey successful. Your hard work can lead to success by securing a seat in your desired college or university abroad.

Friday 26 April 2019

Important Checklist Students Must Prepare Before Studying in Canada

Canada has a number of top academic institutes on the planet. Students from each
of the four corners of the globe apply to move there to continue their higher study in
Canada. Canada is a wonderful study abroad goal and there are 12 manor academic
institutes in the country that have been recorded under The Times Higher Education
Supplement 200. In the event that you are quick to think about study in Canada,
it is urgent for you to have the exact data with regards to the application to top
universities in Canada. Study abroad experts for Canada will help you in
understanding the different procedures and techniques required for admission into the top
colleges and universities in the country.

Important things to pack with you

When you have got confirmation and a student visa to pursue your study in Canada,
the following stage for you to do is pack for the adventure ahead. Keep in mind
when you are preparing for Canada does not convey everything with you. You
should make a checklist of the considerable number of things that are fundamental
and required when you study abroad in Canada. You are advised to set up this
checklist ahead of time and begin preparing gradually with the goal that you are
not troubled on the last day of takeoff.

What would it be a good idea for you to pack?

Talented abroad training specialists express that you should pack the accompanying things
before your booked flight to Canada.

The essential preparation:

Documents:  You should pack all the important or required documents and reports first.
These reports include your educational certificates, study visa, college admission letter,
international ID, plane tickets and then some. So as to be on the side of safety, take all
photocopies of reports alongside you too.

Money: You should keep in any event $100 cash money with you. This will help you with an
an initial couple of days till you get to know the spot and discover an ATM.

Glasses/contact lens: If you have glasses or contact lens, guarantee that you have an extra
pair with you so you don't confront bothers. Guarantee you keep your contact lens cleaning
arrangement with you also.

Portable chargers-Take chargers of your mobile phone, laptop and USB cords of all devices
that you would need and carry to Canada. Don’t forget to carry connectors and converters
with you also.

Medicines: Take physician-recommended medicine with you in the event that you feel weak,
sick or cold.

Clothing:  Pack garments you would require for no less than multi-week. Canada is a chilly
nation so convey garments that will make you feel warm. Convey your bathing suit or brief
on the off chance that you like swimming and expect to swim there. Ensure that you have
packed gloves, socks, scarfs and so on. Pack toiletries like cleanser, nail cutters,
toothpaste, cleanser and so forth.

Miscellaneous Packing: Once you have packed all the above things,
guarantee you pack your watch, shades, books and so forth. Guarantee you have packed
stuff that can be dried normally. Guarantee that you are going to travel with lightweight.
Settle the garments in a sequence which will save a lot of space.

Tuesday 19 March 2019

Study in Canada at a Very Low Cost!

Canada is the world’s most popular destinations for international
students. Canada offers a variety of experiences and opportunities.
It is a country known for its vast multicultural cities and natural
beauty. The great news is that tuition fees is less expensive than
in the other major international destinations like the US, UK & Australia.
Tuition Fees 
Universities and college set their own fees in Canada, and these depend on
numerous factors: the program you’re studying, whether you are an
international student or a local, or if you are studying for undergraduate or
postgraduate level.

Undergraduate Tuition Fees
The average tuition fees for international students in Canada starts from
around CA $27,159 per year. Arts and other humanities courses are
cheaper compared to engineering and medicines. Management and business
courses are lower; approximately CA $26,395 per year.
Postgraduate Tuition Fees
The tuition fees at postgraduate level are generally lower. This may vary
depending on your study program. The average postgraduate tuition fee
is CA $16,497 as per 2018/19.
Executive MBA programs are the most expensive, averaging around
CA $49,798, while regular MBA course cost around CA $30,570.
Student Application Fees and Visa
You need to obtain Canadian study permit to study, which serves as a
student visa for the time of your stay. There is no need for a Canadian
study permit if the course or program lasts six months or less. Applying
for a study permit costs around CA $150.

Fees to apply in Universities will depend upon the university and your
country of origin.
Financial Aid While Studying in Canada
There are different scholarships, grants and bursaries that are available
for the international students, at both undergraduate as well as postgraduate
levels. These include specific scholarships for academic and sporting achievements,
and also subject-related scholarships.
Many universities offer their own specific scholarships, so you might too be able to
apply for a scholarship offered exclusively by the university. It’s important to apply
as early as possible for scholarship as funding is limited and highly competitive.
International students are also advised to research abroad scholarship opportunities
which are offered by organizations in their own country.
Jobs for Students in Canada 
If you’d like to get a job in Canada, be it part-time to help support yourself while
studying, you can work on or off-campus for max up to 20 hours during university
semesters. You can also work full-time during breaks such as the winter or summer
holidays, without the need for a work permit.

You must have the following to qualify:
  • You must have a valid Canadian study permit.
  • Should be a full-time student.
  • Get enrolled at a Canadian institution having a designated learning institution 
at post-secondary level.
  • Choose an academic program, vocational or professional training program
that leads to a degree, diploma or certificate that is at least six months in duration.

Social Insurance Number (SIN) is required from Service Canada to work in Canada.
This helps to receive benefits in services from Government programs.

Saturday 16 March 2019

Top Reasons for Indian Students to Study in Canada

By 2022, Canada plans to double the intake of international students. Canada is
multicultural country and awfully secure place to live as well as study.
There are many universities which are home to international students of different countries.
The best reason to require a chance on Canada is the excellent post-secondary
education system. For example, Nova Scotia has many universities that offer a vast
variety of programs for the students. One can come to study anything from Arts,
Sciences, Agriculture, Business, Computer Science, Engineering, Fine, and
Graphic Design, Medicine, Law etc.
There are number of universities that have their own dialect schools, or are
partnered with a dialect school. This helps the international students to improve

their English language skills.

Every aspect of the Canadian education experience would be a positive one:
  • The quality of the educational program you’re studying and the abilities you’re gaining.
  • The overall experience of the student inside and outside the classroom.
  • The security, environmental quality, and welcoming community where you studying
  • and living.
  • Access to academic scholarship, health, athletic career, psychological and
  • mental supports during the program.
  • Access to a different, comprehensive community that invites people of different
  • social and cultural backgrounds and traditions.
Western University in specific are so committed to providing a quality post-secondary
involvement and experience that it assures its international students are able to choose
the first-year courses necessary for their programs of enrollment. Also, a place to live in
and consideration for the scholarships admissions.
Content students: every eight out of 10 respondents to student survey said they were
satisfied with their overall experience of studying in Canada and 95% would recommend
Canada as a study destination.

Safe and stable country:  Canada is a safe and has a stable democracy with very

low levels of crime and violence.

Multicultural Canada officially became a multicultural society in 1971 when the 

government began to recognize the value and dignity of all races and ethnic groups, 
and did you know that there are 67 Aboriginal tongues spoken  in Canada?
Range of options to study:  Canada exceeds expectations in extend of
discipline and is consider a pioneer in intrigue. From colleges to
Schools and post graduate work.

Excellent colleges Colleges and Universities in Canada offer brilliance in applied
studies, with a vast range of recognized programs in diploma and applied degree
programs.  There are exchange programs that permits the students to take part in their
study program – benefiting from smaller class sizes – and then transfer to a
university with their proper credits to complete their degree program.

Hands-on learning: Students can apply to enhance their learning with a
variety of hands-on training such as internships, different research projects.
All this can be achieved either on campus, or with other organizations. 

Research: Canada is recognized as a world pioneer in research.
This includes areas of clinical medicine, ICT, physics, astronomy and
cognitive sciences including neuroscience as well as artificial intelligence. 

    Thursday 14 March 2019

    VFUTURESTEP - A Leading Study Abroad Recommendation Platform

    Things to Consider in Pre-Departure Checklist:

    Things to Consider in Pre-Departure Checklist:
    Here’s a list of some important points that you will need to look into before you
    head out to study in any foreign country. It is very important for all international
    students to consider these aspects in their pre-departure list to ensure that they
    do not miss out to anything which can create a problem in their study abroad
    journey later on. It will really help them to arrange their study abroad trip in a
    proper way and they will be able to manage everything smoothly without facing
    any issues.
    Gathering Information:
    The international students should always try to gather a detailed information
    related to pre-departure orientation from their university or the organization
    assisting them. This may include:
    • Necessary travel documents
    • Flight and travel arrangements,
    • Accommodation,
    • Health and safety,
    • Insurance,
    • Financial considerations and obligations
    Credit Transfer:
    Make sure that you have made all the important arrangements to confirm that
    you are granted credit for any course work you complete overseas.
    Travel Documents:
    You need a valid passport and visa to enter some countries. Obtaining or renewing
    your passport can take time so make sure you don’t leave it until the last moment.
    If stay isn’t arranged by your study abroad program, find suitable housing.
    Someone from your batch or friend should be able to provide you with a list
    of recommendations. If you are enrolling directly in a university abroad, ask
    if there is a student housing office for better assistance.
    Money Matters:
    Tuition fees, accommodation costs and other possible fees may be required
    in advance. Make sure of what is being covered and what is not. It is also
    important to arrange for some regular payments as well you normally
    make to be continued while you are away. Work out on your daily expenses
    and arrange to have a few forms of payment available, via credit card,
    ATM card, cheque’s etc.

    Health Check-up and Vaccinations:
    It is wise to have a full physical check-up before you leave the country.
    Depending on the location, you might consider visiting a travel health clinic
    for appropriate advice or any necessary vaccinations. If you have a
    pre-existing medical condition that requires medication, make sure to
    have those medications available. It is advisable to have a letter from
    the doctor describing your condition and the medications required for
    the same. Travel medical insurance is beneficial to cover the bills.
    Be sure to discuss with your family what to do in case of family crisis. Better to have a proper arrangement dealt with before you leave than to have sort it via phone amidst any situations. Ensure you provide family or friends with ways to contact you in an emergency while you are away.

    Studying abroad is a life changing experience for international students and it will provide them numerous opportunities to make their future brighter in many ways. They can make a list of important things which they need to consider before they fly to their study abroad country as it will help them a lot in planning the things in a better way.

    Personal and Professional Benefits of Studying Abroad

    There are various benefits of studying abroad, personally and professionally!
    It can help you to grow both professionally and personally. In fact,
    studying abroad can be one of the most exciting, fulfilling, interesting
    and educationally stimulating experiences of one’s life. Here are some
    of the most important personal and professional benefits of studying abroad.
    Personal Benefits:
    Global Interaction and Connections
    Studying abroad will give you the opportunity to master your academic study
    in a foreign country. There are a variety of programs to choose from:
    some submerge you directly in a foreign culture and language, while others
    ease you into a services designed specifically for international students.
    With numerous unique programs, it’s easy to find a good fit for your
    personality and goals. This opportunity will help you expose yourself
    to the world. This will help you surround yourself with a new people
    (say friends). Globalizing yourself may help you understand the better you.
    Explore the World and Think out of the Box
    International travel can relieve you of the limited thoughts about the world.
    You will get to learn many things like how your home country fits into
    humanity and other important aspects. While adopting another country’s
    traditions, you will also understand the significance of keeping the
    traditions of your own alive while sharing it with other people
    surrounding you. Planning and executing your travel plans and seeing
    some historical and beautiful sights may help you see the world through
    a new set of eyes.
    Evolve Problem Solving Skills
    Studying abroad has its own challenges which is directly related to the
    benefits of its own. You will be out of your comfort zone as you will
    have to face obstacles like homesickness, spending and budgeting and
    simply living in a new & unfamiliar place.
     These may seem like small coups now, but in retrospect you’ll be
    proud of the accomplishments you have overcome. You’ll be a wiser
    individual than before and will be ready to face any future challenges head on.
    Professional Benefits:
    Stand out from the Crowd in Global Interviews
    The experiences and wisdom you acquire while studying abroad can
    provide you with plenty of examples and real life situations. This can
    help you in an interview to better illustrate your strengths and work
    ethic. This will help strengthen your cover letter as well resume.
    Don’t forget to integrate your cross-cultural and international skills as well.
     Great Career Prospects in Life
    The experiences you gain from studying abroad can influence your career
    goals for the rest of your life. This high desire could influence your career
    path. Studying abroad is definitely going to help you in today’s competitive
    global market to maintain an edge and complete with other people.
    You might decide to go for studying post degree programs, master
    programs or doctorate degrees abroad.
    Excellent Communication and Language Skills
    Employers may be keen on self- awareness or relational attitude or
    interpersonal skills, so do not limit your abroad experience since
    you were not in the expert setting. Your expertise in diverse culture and
    relational correspondence may benefit you when working for any
    multi-cultural team in the world. Studying abroad also shows
    employers that you are able to adapt to new settings, and aren’t
    apprehensive about change.
    Taking next step
    So these are the main personal and professional advantages which
    you will be able to explore while studying abroad. Now it’s time to start
    your search and get on-board; new adventure awaits you.