Thursday 14 March 2019

Things to Consider in Pre-Departure Checklist:

Things to Consider in Pre-Departure Checklist:
Here’s a list of some important points that you will need to look into before you
head out to study in any foreign country. It is very important for all international
students to consider these aspects in their pre-departure list to ensure that they
do not miss out to anything which can create a problem in their study abroad
journey later on. It will really help them to arrange their study abroad trip in a
proper way and they will be able to manage everything smoothly without facing
any issues.
Gathering Information:
The international students should always try to gather a detailed information
related to pre-departure orientation from their university or the organization
assisting them. This may include:
  • Necessary travel documents
  • Flight and travel arrangements,
  • Accommodation,
  • Health and safety,
  • Insurance,
  • Financial considerations and obligations
Credit Transfer:
Make sure that you have made all the important arrangements to confirm that
you are granted credit for any course work you complete overseas.
Travel Documents:
You need a valid passport and visa to enter some countries. Obtaining or renewing
your passport can take time so make sure you don’t leave it until the last moment.
If stay isn’t arranged by your study abroad program, find suitable housing.
Someone from your batch or friend should be able to provide you with a list
of recommendations. If you are enrolling directly in a university abroad, ask
if there is a student housing office for better assistance.
Money Matters:
Tuition fees, accommodation costs and other possible fees may be required
in advance. Make sure of what is being covered and what is not. It is also
important to arrange for some regular payments as well you normally
make to be continued while you are away. Work out on your daily expenses
and arrange to have a few forms of payment available, via credit card,
ATM card, cheque’s etc.

Health Check-up and Vaccinations:
It is wise to have a full physical check-up before you leave the country.
Depending on the location, you might consider visiting a travel health clinic
for appropriate advice or any necessary vaccinations. If you have a
pre-existing medical condition that requires medication, make sure to
have those medications available. It is advisable to have a letter from
the doctor describing your condition and the medications required for
the same. Travel medical insurance is beneficial to cover the bills.
Be sure to discuss with your family what to do in case of family crisis. Better to have a proper arrangement dealt with before you leave than to have sort it via phone amidst any situations. Ensure you provide family or friends with ways to contact you in an emergency while you are away.

Studying abroad is a life changing experience for international students and it will provide them numerous opportunities to make their future brighter in many ways. They can make a list of important things which they need to consider before they fly to their study abroad country as it will help them a lot in planning the things in a better way.

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