Tuesday 5 March 2019

How to Overcome Study Abroad Problems?

When only you're and a long way from home, emotional well-being issues can be
amplified. Step by step instructions to adapt amid a semester abroad.
Studying in abroad is challenging for a student, especially for those suffering from
anxiety or depression.
Here’s how to cope with the mental illness and fear of being alone in different country.
Need for strong social network.
Anxiety is caused by our fight or flight reaction. The best way to find friends it to
practice—the comfortable you are, the less your body will react. Pushing yourself
to socialize will help you to establish a support system of trusted friends.  The
easiest ways to do this is by taking full advantage of programs organized by your host
school. Students who are experiencing similar emotions should attend such events.
Visit to a Doctor
If you are taking any sort of medications, make an appointment with your doctor to
discuss your trip. Some countries don’t prescribe certain medications, so it is
advisable to pack enough for the duration of your stay. Have a letter from your
doctor ready to show at arrival, citing why you are carrying the prescription.
Talking to a Professional
If your daily tasks being affected, it’s time to seek the help of a professional. See
a therapist. Schedule sessions. Some universities have free counselling services,
so look into what your university and overseas institution offer’s. Even if you’re
unable to find anyone to speak to due to a language barrier, reach out to the people
who are in charge of your exchange program. Health insurance and medical systems
differ by country, so this will also ensure that your visits are covered.

Learning about the City and its Culture.
It’s always better to be prepared as you set out to explore new community. Finding
your way around a new city is a challenge, but navigating along the new culture is
challenge in itself. At some point culture shock will hit you and mental
illness may make you more vulnerable to its effects. Always try to learn as much
possible about the City and its culture.
Worst case scenarios

Studying abroad can increase the feelings of anxiety, which may lead to panic
attacks. In such situation remaining calm is advisable. Ask a friend for help
and remember that this is for time been and eventually it shall pass. If you reach
out to people they will help you. Above all stay positive, be happy. You are not
alone, you can get through this—no matter where you are in the world.

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